Friday, October 22, 2010

Evaluation Of Preliminary Task EBI (Even Better If)

There were many difficulties that we faced during this task which was a temporary inconvenience.

Firstly when we took our camera to film the screen was broken so we could not film. We then went and got a digital camera but when we tried to film again the battery died. We then went and changed the battery but the battery died again and this caused a great deal of inconvenience. We then got another camera which finally worked and we were able to start filiming.

Another difficulty that we faced during the task was when we were trying to upload our video to the Mac. We put the USB cable into the wrong port of the camera which wasted a little bit of time. When we put the cable into the right port we were then able to successfully import our footage and edit it all.

Another difficulty we faced was when we were trying to save our finished piece. The Mac would not let us save iur work and as a result we had to import our footage and edit it all over again.

Evaluation Of Preliminary Task (WWW)

For the preliminary task we had to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom he/she then exchanges a couple lines of dialogue. During this task we had to make sure that we followed the aspects of continuity editing which included

Match on action
180 degree rule
Shot reverse shot

What went well in this task was we were able to successfully upload our video to youtube and then embed it into our blogs as evidence of completion of our task. We also successfully edited each of our shots quickly and efficiently to make sure that each shot fitted in with eachother.

Preliminary Task

Induction EBI (Even Better If)

One of the tasks from the induction that didn't go so well was the Jobsite task. We faced some difficulties during this task because some of the shots that we recorded had glitches and errors that we could not alter and there was not enough time to re-film them.

Induction WWW (What Went Well)

During the induction process my favourite task was the re-creation of the 'Push A Little Button' advert. This was my favourite task because I was able to explore and experiment taking different shots of buttons from different angles and deciding which shots looked presentable for the task. I was also able to learn how to sequence the shots together on i-Movie and I also learnt how to edit and cut the shots so that they fit in with the rest of the shots.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My First Blog Practice

Steps for uploading my image

1. Add image
2. Browse
3. Select an image
4. Upload image
5. Publish post

The Brief

To create the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes. I am interested in creating a thriller because I feel that this genre would be interesting to explore however I am also aware that the majority of the class will be creating a thriller as well. This means that I will have to work extra hard to make sure that my opening sequence stands out from everbody else's.