Monday, December 6, 2010

Analysis of 'The Sixth Sense' & 'Se7en'

During this lesson we watched the film trailer and the opening sequence for the films 'The Sixth Sense' and 'Se7en'. From watching these we were able to see for ourselves the difference between the two and how much of an effect they have on the audience.


The film trailer for 'Se7en' was really effective because it had a lot of shots and was very quick paced which, is one of the elements a film trailer should have. The quick and short shots used was effective because it creates a sense of anticipation and excitement for the viewer. It makes the audience want to know the outcome and what is going to happen next. The soundtrack used is effective because it creates the sense of tension and build up that, something exciting is going to happen next.

The opening sequence of 'Se7en' is really effective because it shows thi
ngs that appear very sinister and mysterious. When the names of the actors appear on the screen the font used is a sort of messy handwriting which makes the mood appear eerie and scary. The shots used in the opening sequence are really effective because they only show half of what is wanted to see by the audience. The shots create an element of mysteriousness because the shots move quickly between each other. There is a particular shot when we see somebody is writing which is effective because the audience doesn't actually see what is being written so it makes the audience hang on there edge of their seat wanting to know what will happen next.

The trailer for 'The Sixth Sense'

The soundtrack that is used on the trailer of the film is really effective because, it is starts off slow and gradually builds up which creates a sense of tension and anticipation. The trailer has loads of quick paced shots that creates a rush through and
sense of adrenaline through the audience's mind because we are b
eing bombarded with an overload of visual information that generates excitement. The font used that shows the names of characters in screen is quite eerie because they fade in and out slowly on a black background.

The opening sequence of 'The Sixth Sense' is effective because the audience immediately get the establishment of the mood in which the film is trying to depict. The female character that appears in the first shot seems to be at unease as she is selecting her bottle of wine which lets the audience know that something is not right. The shot we get of the woman is seen through the crates so, it shows that she is being watched without her being aw
are. This generates a sense of eeriness because the audience is watching someone who does not know they are being watched.

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