Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Analysis of 'Double Indemnity'

The beginning of the opening sequence starts with the titles appearing in big bold white capital letters against a grey background (black and white film). As the titles are rolling through the screen there is a black silhouette of a man hobbling towards the screen on crutches. This shows that the character is not yet revealed to the audience.

From knowing that 'Double Indemnity' is used to describe the term that states that if one of the partners of a married couple is to die accidentally the other is able to claim double of their life insurance money. In a lot of real life cases one of the couple has attempted to kill the other in order to claim the money so in knowing this information the audience may immediatley think that this man has been the victim of an attempted murder that did not succeed. As the man gradually gets closer towards the screen the sound of the loud trumpets used for the music gets louder and more brassier.

The first establishment of location is a big city at night time with street lights. We then see this man driving his car very irratically. This then questions the audience and makes them think why is he driving so fast? is he in a hurry? is he trying to escape from the person that potentially tried to kill or hurt him?. The man then pulls up to what appears to be a big office building and is greeted by a man who appears to be a servant or assistant. From this we then see that the man has high authority as the man that greets him refers to him as 'Sir'.

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