Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shot Lists

Shot 1
This will be a mid-shot of the title which will be shown in a black screen to make it more effective. We have chosen a mid-shot because it does not fill up the screen too much and the everyone in the audience will be able to see the title clearly.

Shot 2
This will also be a mid-shot as this is of a picture of Jessica, she does not know that this picture has been taken of her and also the picture of Jessica fades into the background of the title and so a mid-shot would be ideal for this because once again the title does not take up to much of the film and the picture of Jessica in the background would be good as a mid-shot because it is not standing out too much to the audience but it is still there for the audience to see.

Shot 3
This will be a mid-shot of developing the pictures in the dark room and we have chosen to make this a mid-shot because it shows most of the room and does not fill up the screen too much.

Shot 4
This will be a close-up of a hand with a glove on developing the picture, we decided to make this a close-up because it shows something sinister going on here and we also want to see what this person is developing.

Shot 5
This is going to be a panning and establishing shot and we decided this because we wanted to show the objects around the room as the room looks quite sinister. We decided on an establishing shot because this shows most of the room.

Shot 6
This will be many close-ups of difference weapons going along, we decided on this because we wanted the show the weapons in detail and we wanted to show all of the different types of tools that this killer could be using.

Shot 7
This is yet again another close-up and this will be of papers and missing posters, we want to show this using a close-up because we want to show the pictures on these posters and papers and perhaps some of the print.

Shot 8
This is going to be an over the shoulder shot of the killer and this will be in black and white because this is showing memories of the killer and his past killings. We have decided to use an over the shoulder shot because we are showing the killer's next victim.

Shot 9
This will be a medium shot and this will be seeing the killer drug the girl and put her in the boot. We have decided on this type of shot because it shows quite a bit of what is going on and it is not to close and not to far away.

Shot 10
This will be another medium shot of seeing and girl get drugged by the killer and we have chosen this kind of shot because once again it is showing everything.

Shot 11
This will be a wide mid-shot of one of the killer's victims lying on the back seat of the car and we have chosen this because it shows a lot of what is going on and this is what the viewers are going to want to see.

Shot 12
We will be showing the next shot as a moving subject walking into space and this will be of Jessica walking through the forest at night. We chose this particular shot because we wanted to let the audience feel as if they are involved because it feels as if you are walking with Jessica.

Shot 13
This will be a close-up of the killer's feet and we wanted to show this in a close-up because we wanted to show the audience that Jessica is being followed and because we are not going to see killer's face we wanted to show some part of the killer following Jessica.

Shot 14
This will be a side mid-shot of Jessica hearing the killer's footsteps and this is also where she stops and looks around to the killer. We wanted to show this in a mid-shot because we wanted to show most of Jessica's body language when she sees the killer.

Shot 15
This will be a mid-shot of the titles when they appear on this screen.

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