Monday, February 28, 2011

1. In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products?

Myself and my group were heavily influenced by the opening sequence of the thriller film ‘Se7en’. This is because it is a successful thriller opening sequence that uses the correct conventions to draw the audience in such as: using slow pace and not fully revealing what is shown on the screen to the audience straight away. We recreated the opening sequence of 'Se7en' and made it our own by including close-ups of the edge of a knife and the killer's hands planning on how he/she is going to kill their next victim. My media product definitely has the conventions of a thriller opening sequence because it is slow paced and slowly draws the audience in, leading them to want to know more about the character on screen and what he/she's motive is. During the opening sequence the camera solely focuses on the killer's hands and how he/she is going about killing their next victim. The hand movements are quite slow and delicate which represents the knowledge that the killer has, and that they know exactly what they are doing and exactly what they want. The delicate and slow hand movements also convey the fascination and obsession that the killer has with the weapons. This is shown when the killer's hand slowly caresses the sharp blade of the knife to show their lack of fear with the weapon which itself is uneasy and creepy to watch for the audience.

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