Monday, February 28, 2011

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that the media institution that would be suitable to distribute my media product would be ‘New Line Cinema’. I think that they would be suitable because they have distributed many successful thriller films over the years such as: ‘Malice’ and ‘The Number 23’. They also distributed the thriller film ‘Se7en’ which was the film that heavily influenced me and my group for the opening sequence of our thriller film.

However, because ‘New Line Cinema’ is an extremely large and commercial film distribution company, it would be more realistic to have a more independent distribution company that produces successful films on a low budget. With this information I think that a more suitable and realistic media institution that would distribute my media product would be ‘Hammer Film Productions’ because they are a U.K based film production company that is best known for their production of Gothic and thriller films.

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