Monday, February 28, 2011

2. How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

In our thriller opening sequence we chose the victim to be a young teenage white female (played by Donna). This type of character (the victim) is somewhat common amongst thriller/ horror films because this sort of character is portrayed as being weak and vulnerable which makes the killer easy to prey on. The photograph next to Donna is a picture of Jamie Lee Curtis playing the character Laurie in the famous horror film 'Halloween'. This is evidence of the common stereotype that is portrayed within horror/thriller films as the victim being a young teenage white female.

Although the killer in the opening sequence was played by Shehabur, he is not revealed on screen and the audience only see his hands which are sometimes in black gloves). I think that this was effective because the audience have no idea as to who the killer is and what gender they are. I think that this specifically challenged the representation of a particular social group as, it is common for the killer in a thriller film to be a strong and scary male. The photograph next to Shehabur is the character Michael Myers from the horror film 'Halloween'. This is evidence that the common stereotype of the killer in a horror/ thriller film is usually a strong male.

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