Friday, February 4, 2011

Feedback from Research & Planning


I have just spent a lot of time going right back through your blog to check to see if you have made an effort to complete the two sections.

I can see that recently you have spent time working on the Planning posts for your blog. This is an improvement.

I am still really concerned about the Research Section. There are still way too many missing posts for this to gain a PASS. You have made an attempt to complete some posts - I can see you have posted analysis for Brick and Double Indemnity - but these still don't have any images? There are too many posts missing from the Research section overall.

I will be marking the Research & Planning sections of your blog for a FINAL time from Monday 7th. You have to sit down at home and spend a few hours getting your blog sorted out between now and then. I am not going to come back to your blog Alisha and bother to remark it again if you are not going to make the effort to get it completed properly.

This is what you need to do:
Research section:
Posts 5-6 - Memento analysis
Posts 7-9 - All need images / contact sheets
Posts 10-15 - missing???
Post 16 - Need to explain the relevance of your images - or take new ones that are relevant to your film
Post 17 - Where is your questionnaire???
Post 18 - Only one graph - not good enough. You need to say how you are going to use it.

Too many of these posts are from other people in your group. it's fine to share the workload Alisha - but there's very little evidence of YOU completing posts. I doubt you have even read over some of them - you seem to have just copied them into your blog. Please start making more of a contribution.

You need to sort out:
Post 1- needs more info
3 - Use the media template on Frog
4 - this is word for word the same as Sophie's post??? Fix this
5 - Storyboards - what's there is good - but I am sure your group filmed more than 8 shots?There are only 8 shots here.
6 - This needs photos
8 - Use template on Frog
9 - Photos
10 - needs explanation

Final mark on Monday Alisha.

SJA Feb 4th

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